We did it! Last night we wrapped up our first year of AWANA since 2019. As we awarded the kids last night, I was reminded of the importance of hiding the truth in little hearts. So, thank YOU for getting your kids here.
As a father whose all four children went through AWANA, I understand how much work it is. So, I thank you for your commitment to Christ & His Kingdom and your kid(s).
We’ll be launching AWANA back on August 16 with our kick-off party. We’ll be offering AWANA next year for ages 4 thru 5th grade. 6th graders will be part of our middle-school youth Wednesday nights. Be watching your texts for more info.
-Pastor Scott
So, what’s happening this summer at FBMD?
Hold Fast!
Every Wednesday this summer—Creatvity & The Creator, A Weekly Christ-Centered Artstic Experience for Kids. Youe kids will learn more about Art, Creativity & More! It’s all FREE. 6:30-8:00.
June 26-30th we’re hosting our annual Vacation Bible School for Kids; This year it’s Keepers Of The Kingdom, learn all about it and sign up here.
And on August 5th, we’re hosting our Clothes For Kids back to school clothing drive. Do you know of a family this would be a blessing for? Share/register here.